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First Major Advantage: Simplified stationary field stator topology

Slot‐less Stator
PWP has a slot‐less stator with salient poles for the armature windings. These are simple wound coils.
The stator is assembled more simply from just 5 component types being:‐

laminated radial rings
pre‐wound field coil rings*
induction rings from cast aluminium
pre‐wound armature windings*
laminated phase module cross pieces complete the flux circuit.

* Both coils make use of high density orthocyclic winding techniques for the lowest possible use of copper.

Reduced assembly time
Assembly is completed quickly and efficiently by robotic or manual assembly lines. Components are modular and of low
mass individually compared to the whole stator assembly. Assembly time can be reduced by as much as 30%.

Efficient cooling
The armature coils are placed close to the outside of the stator for efficient cooling. Rotor runs cool.

Simple stator based induction rings
The stator‐based Induction rings assist in the starting of the motor. Simpler than rotor‐based squirrel‐cages.